Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Vote Today and get a Free Starbucks Coffee!

Just a reminder to everyone that today is Election Day! Get out there and Vote if you haven't already! I Did!
Also did you know that several businesses are offering FREE perks to those wearing an "I Voted" sticker? Now, there’s no excuse not to vote!
Big businesses like Starbucks (coffee), Ben & Jerry’s (ice cream), and Krispy Kreme (star-shaped doughnuts with red, white and blue sprinkles) are handing out tasty treats!
Will you take advantage of the freebies?

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

A Safe, Green & Clean Home Business Opportunity

Did you know that the levels of pollutants in our indoor air is 5 times more than the level you’ll find outside? It's also a fact that women who work at home have a 54% higher death rate from cancer than women who work outside the home. (This can be specifically attributed to the contact they have with household cleaning products).
There are 73 million homes with children under the age of 18. Poison Control reports that 121,197 children under the age of six were poisoned by household cleaners just last year. The other issue with household cleaners today is that asthma rates are also escalating far beyond what any scientists can explain. Scientist believe that asthmatic reactions can be exacerbated by the kinds of cleaning products that people have in their homes.
So, there are all kinds of health issues and problems that involve our little ones that are crawling around on our floors and breathing in the fumes from the products we are using. I believe it's our responsibility to really share this information with other moms out there, because most consumers have no idea that the things they're using in their homes can actually cause them harm. People assume that most products that they buy should be totally fine for them to use in their homes, and that's simply not the case.
I would love to share a safe, "green" cleaning alternative with you... Changing the products you use can really change your life as well as being safer for our planet. Please take a moment to visit my safe, "green" cleaning site.
I say "green" because, just one of our household cleaning Starter Kits does the equivalent of these 3 things:
  • eliminating 108 pounds of packaging waste
  • eliminating 248 pounds of greenhouse gas
  • ...and the equivalent to planting 10 trees
You can also listen to a 3 minute recorded message that gives you an overview on our products. Just dial 1-925-924-3000
Won't you consider joining my team, or at least just buying a product that is safer for you, your home and our planet! Contact me for more info!

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Big Crumbs Pays YOU!

BigCrumbs is a free service that pays you the highest overall cash back available at eBay and 266 popular retailers. You can earn even more cash with our powerful referral program. Just click on the banner above to join for FREE!!!

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

My Power Mall

I just joined My Power Mall today... What's so great about this program is that it's 100% FREE to join! Click on the banner above to see how you can start earning money just by giving away Power Malls! You've got nothing to lose and money to gain!

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

The Zaken Corporation

For anyone coming across this blog that might have questions, I actually ordered my Zaken kit over a year ago, but am only just getting started. I plan on documenting everything. You will be able to read all about it here. You'll also find a wealth of other monkey making opportunities here and at my other blog "Bay Area Mompreneur".

To be honest I haven't made a cent from Zaken yet. But, I can't say that I have given it a real go either. I tried to work the plan at first, but having two little ones at home, it has been very difficult to find the time, let alone a quiet moment to make phone calls. I did get a couple of leads in the beginning (making a few calls on the weekends) but nothing panned out. They either didn't have a large enough quantity for Zaken to consider buying it, or they never sent me the samples they had promised for a review of their merchandise. So I put it on the back burner... I recently stumbled upon my kit again and decided to give them a call to see if I was still a member (since so much time has elapsed) and to see if I could still try to find liquidations for them. The phone number was still a working number (a plus) and they answered the phone! They guaranteed that I could indeed continue to work the business if I wanted to give it another go. I guess once you join, you are in essence a member for life? So... I may give it another try if I can find the time. When I do, I will continue to post here about my progress and let you know if there is indeed money to be made using his system.

How it all Began:

I received a postcard a couple of years ago, offering me a way to make money using HIS money... I returned the postcard to request additional info... I then received a large envelope from them that contained a magazine sized booklet about the system... I didn't read through it all because it was just too long to read at the time... I'm a stay-at-home mother of 2. My daughter was almost 3 at the time, and my son had just turned one... So, I don't really need to explain about the "time" situation!
Well, the envelope got misplaced and possibly even thrown away, and I forgot all about Zaken...
Lo and behold, a few days later, I received another envelope identical to the first... But this one contained a follow-up letter and the magazine style report again... I decided to actually read the letter this time and it peeked my curiosity... I decided to set aside some time after the kids were in bed for the night, to go ahead and read through everything from front-to-back... Okay, it sounded like it might work, but I was still a wee bit skeptical, so I decided to check them out at ripoffreport.com Hmmm... They actually received a pretty good rating from Rip Off, despite the bad reviews they had gotten in the past... So... I talked it over with my hubby and I decided to take the plunge... If nothing comes of it, I could still get my money back... So, the way I look at it is that it was worth a try... I called and placed my order by credit card over the phone. And that's where it all started.

If anyone out there reading this is already working with Zaken, I'd love to hear about your experiences and/or progress and failures with the company... Until next time...